Palliative and Hospice care are both considered “comfort care”. While Palliative is always part of Hospice Care, it can be a separate service used to manage pain and distressing symptoms. Services can begin at diagnosis and be used for years to manage a serious illness while curative treatment may continue. People have stated they feel they have control back in their life.
Hospice care begins when treatment is no longer curative and typically during the last 6 months of a life-limiting illness. Hospice also offers services necessary to treat the whole person and support for the family including bereavement. It affirms life, dignity and choice until the end.
Palliative Care
- A person of any age at anytime seeks more management of pain and symptoms due to a serious illness.
- Specialized medical care to enhance a person’s life alongside curative treatment.
- Diagnosis can be considered serious OR life-limiting.
Hospice Care
- Comfort care and symptom management become primary for those with a prognosis of 6 months if illness runs its normal course.
- Curative treatment is no longer the person’s choice.
- Individual and family are ready to focus on quality of life including physical, emotional, psychosocial and spiritual care.